If someone asked you to explain the difference between landscaping and xeriscaping, what would you say?
Don’t feel bad if you do not know the answer (yet). Both philosophies involve decorating your property with trees, plants, and flowers. But xeriscaping’s approach is unique, providing an excellent way to enhance your property and “go green” at the same time.
Ready to beautify your home and help the environment? Read on for your go-to guide on Florida xeriscaping!
What Is Xeriscaping?
The term xeriscape (pronounced “ZEER-i-scape”) was coined in Denver in the late 1970s. During a prolonged drought in the region, landscapers had to rethink their usual plant choices.
“Xeros” means dry and “scape” means view, so the original idea was to use drought-resistant plants arranged in water-saving ways. It was quickly understood that native plants of any region are the best choice for this type of landscaping.
Over the decades, xeriscaping has evolved to focus on beautiful, efficient landscape designs using native plants that require little (if any) water or fertilizer. In Florida, xeriscaping for waterfront properties also gives careful consideration to protecting the aquatic ecology.
What Are the Benefits of Xeriscaping?

We all have our favorite trees, shrubs, and flowers, which may (or may not) be native to the area. Why should you consider focusing on native plants for your landscaping choices?
Perhaps most importantly, they help to preserve the unique Florida ecosystem. They conserve groundwater and are naturally sustainable in the subtropical climate. If planted correctly, they’ll need little or no fertilizer, herbicides, or pesticides.
Another vital factor: Native Florida plants support native Florida bees, butterflies, and other wildlife. You’re also likely to find these locally-grown plants at affordable prices, and you’ll support the local economy in the meantime.
What Are the Best Florida Native Plants for Xeriscaping?

Now that you understand xeriscaping and its benefits let’s talk about some native Florida plants in your design.
Here are some beautiful native flowers that will thrive in your garden or decorative window boxes:
• Leather Fern
• Century Plant
• Swamp Fern
• Amaranth
• Milkweed
• PawPaw
• Elephant Ears
• Purple Coneflower
• Bromeliads
• Canna Lily
• Tickseed
• Crinum Lily
• Flax Lily
• Southern Maidenhair Fern
• Twin Flower
• Blanket Flower
• Swamp Sunflower
• Beach Sunflower
• Spider Lily
What about trees? Here are our favorite native varieties for your landscaping:
• Sweet Acacia
• Red Maple
• Marlberry
• Groundsel Tree
• Gumbo Limbo
• Wild Cinnamon
• Jamaica Caper Tree
• Black Mangrove
• Satinleaf
• Fiddlewood
• Pigeon Plum
• Seagrape
• Florida Privet
• Buttonwood
• Swamp Dogwood
• Strangler Fig
• Shortleaf Fig
• East Palatka Holly
Your well-designed xeriscape will add value, pleasure, and beauty to your property. It is sure to attract the attention and admiration of your neighbors too!
Looking for More Ways to Beautify Your Home?
Xeriscaping is an ideal, eco-friendly way to enhance your property’s appearance. It uses native plants that support the local ecosystem while requiring minimal water and fertilizer.
Thanks to Florida’s subtropical climate, xeriscaping here provides endless opportunities to beautify your property. Use the tips above to create a beautifully xeriscaped yard for your home!
Here at PGT, we go beyond providing you with the best impact windows and doors. We also invite you to browse our blog for more home décor ideas, like this recent post on outdoor lighting.